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Stockholm tourist

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This is our personal guide for Stockholm - the city where we live and which we love. Actually we spend a lot of time exploring and reexploring our city, and as we do this we also write about it in this webpage.

If you are planning to visit Stockholm we hope that you will enjoy reading our articles and also learn some useful information.

Waldemarsudde - the painter prince home and studio

Waldemarsudde i Stockholm Prince Eugene Waldemarsudde is a popular art museum in Stockholm. Here in the castle lived Prince Eugene, and it was also here he painted many of his paintings. His home including the arts, both self but also a significant collection of other artists, can be seen in the museum today.
Read more about Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde

Hallwyl Museum - 40 rooms with kitchen

Hallwylska palatset i Stockholm The Hallwyl Museum provides a unique insight into how a Count and Countess lived in Stockholm in 1900. Here are collections of art, antiques, guns, crockery and cooking utensils. During its time, Hallwyl Palace were top modern with electric light, hot and cold running water, central heating and telephones.
Read more about the Hallwyl Museum

Kungsträdgården - Stockholm's living room

Kungsträdgården i Stockholm To Kungsträdgården in the middle of Stockholm people come to eat, socialize and relax. We tell you about Kungsträdgården over the years.

How about a dramatic fire in the middle of the theater show, a literary murder and locals who saved the magnificent elms?

Read more about Kungsträdgården

Drottningholm - the queens' palace

Drottningholm Palace in Stockholm Take a trip to Drottningholm on the beautiful Lovön in Mälaren and take part of the first Swedish contribution to World Heritage List.

Drottningholm was until 1777 the royal ladies' palace, which is an interesting story to take part of. Here has queens like Hedvig Eleonora and Lovisa Ulrika left their mark.
Read more about Drottningholm

Riddarholmskyrkan - Stockholm's oldest building

Riddarholmskyrkan i Stockholm A visit to Riddarholmskyrkan offers an interesting lesson in the history of Stockholm. Here you become acquainted with gråmunkarna who built their monastery in the late 1200's. For over 300 years was also Swedish royals buried here in Stockholm's oldest building. All this and more can be taken part of in a visit to the church.
Read more about Riddarholmskyrkan

Storkyrkan - an interesting tour

Storkyrkan i Stockholm Storkyrkan was built in the Middle Ages at the highest place on Stadsholmen (Gamla stan) between the castle and Stortorget. Here both royal coronations and weddings have taken place. A tour in the church also offers many interesting sights.
Read more about Storkyrkan

Skansen - how people had it a couple of hundred years ago

Skansen i Stockholm Skansen is the world's oldest open-air museum. Here we have preserved the old town and farms from different regions in Sweden. As you wander around you will meet people in period dress.

At Skansen, you also get become acquainted with Nordic animals such as elk and reindeer. There are also more exotic animals.
Read more about Skansen

Långholmen - natural beauty with fascinating history

Långholmen i Stockholm Långholmen is a lush and beautiful island. It is centrally located, but may still be easy to miss. Come here to relax, take a nice walk, swim and enjoy the island's fascinating history.

If you want you can even spend the night here - in a recently renovated prison cell!

Read more about Långholmen

National Sports Museum - a healthy mind in a healthy body

National Sports Museum in Stockholm A visit to the National Sports Museum provides knowledge and understanding of the Swedish sport's growth and development. If you want you can also take the opportunity to test your strength, flexibility and responsiveness.

Among the exhibitions is also theme tours as Health Track, Track Design and Media track.
Read more about Riksidrottsmuseet

Four of our favourite hotells in Stockholm!

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Stockholm photos

Stockholm photographs Walking in Stockholm with your camera at hand you will never get bored. Please feel free to take advantage of our Stockholm photographs!

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